Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc.

Some Common Door Lock Issues and Why They Occur

Mar 15, 2023

Your door’s lock is a crucial component of your home security system. Locks can help keep your property safe and provide you with peace of mind, knowing your family and belongings are secure. However, even the best door locks can experience problems from time to time. Here are some of the most common door lock problems and what you can do to fix them.

Misaligned Door Lock

A misaligned door issue occurs when the lock mechanism and the strike plate on the door frame do not correctly line up. This misalignment causes the lock to malfunction, and it can be challenging to open or close the door, or the lock may not engage at all. When the hinge is loose, it causes the door to sag or shift slightly, affecting the alignment of the lock mechanism and the strike plate.

Over time, changes in temperature and humidity cause wooden doors to warp which cause a misalignment. When you settle the house, the door frame can shift slightly, making it difficult to open or close the door.

Broken Key in the Lock

With frequent use, keys can become worn down. This wear and tear can cause the key to weaken and be more susceptible to breaking off inside the lock. People may try to force a key into the lock if they are in a hurry or if the lock is not working correctly. Using the wrong key can also lead to key breakage, as the key may need to fit properly or be too big or small for the lock.

A key breaking off inside a lock can be frustrating and may prevent access to the property. Depending on the severity of the break, you may be able to remove the broken key using pliers or other tools. If that does not work, you will need to contact a professional locksmith.

The Key Doesn't Turn

Keys become worn out with regular use, which makes it hard to fit into the lock and turn it. The lock may also become damaged from wear and tear or attempted break-ins. Rust or debris inside the lock cylinder can cause the key to get stuck, which makes it difficult or impossible to turn.

If a key doesn't turn in the lock, do not force it to prevent further damage to the lock or key. Instead, try another key, as the problem may be with the key itself. 

Faulty Door Mechanism

The door mechanism includes all the components that allow the door to open and close, such as the latch, handle, and lock. Over time, these components become worn out or damaged and cause the door to malfunction, making it impossible to open or close.

Some common signs of a faulty door mechanism are difficulty turning the handle, a loose handle, a door that won't latch properly, or a lock that won't engage.

Loose Door Lock 

A loose door lock occurs over time. A loose door lock compromises a property's security and makes it easier for burglars to gain access. If the screws or mounting hardware become loose, the lock may wobble and not fit securely in the door.

Worn-out components cause the lock to become less effective in securing the door. A misaligned strike plate can also cause a loose door lock. The strike plate is a metal plate on the door frame that the lock bolt enters when you close the door. To fix a loose door lock, tighten loose screws or hardware, replace worn-out components, or realign the strike plate.

If you're experiencing any problems with your door lock, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at Dixie Safe & Lock. Our team of professional locksmiths is available to assist you with any lock-related issues. We provide fast and reliable services to ensure the safety and security of your home and loved ones.

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