Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc.

4 Reasons to Upgrade Your Front Door Lock

Jun 14, 2022

Your front door lock is the first line of defense against possible burglars and trespassers into your home. However, not all locks are the same, and if your lock is old, worn, or damaged, you may need to upgrade. If you aren't sure if you should replace your front door lock, check out these four reasons you should consider a new lock.

1. The Lock Is Old

Just like anything else, locks need replacing as they get old. The mechanics of an older lock may not work as well, making it hard to unlock the door with the key. In some cases, the key may even break off in the lock. If wear and tear continue, the lock can fail completely.

In some cases, a good cleaning and adding some lubrication can help, but if the lock is old, replace it to prevent future problems. In addition, an older lock may be easier for criminals to pick, making it easier for someone to get inside your home.

2. The Lock Has Been Compromised       

If someone does break into your home through the front door, your lock may be compromised. Even just attempting to pick the lock could cause damage inside the lock, which could reduce the effectiveness. Some signs someone tried to pick your lock include scratches and difficulty turning the key.

Similarly, if someone used force to open your front door, damage to the door or doorknob may prevent the lock from working properly in the future. If your lock has been picked or someone attempted to pick the lock, you may be able to get away with just rekeying the doorknob to change the tumbler lock, but if extensive damage occurred, replace the entire lock.

3. You Have Missing Keys

Most people don't just have one key for their front door. You may even make copies to give friends, family, or service providers like technicians. If any of these keys go missing or you fall out of touch with someone you gave a key, rekey or replace your locks.

Similarly, if you moved into a house that you originally rented, or you had someone renting a room from you, change the locks. You have no idea how many copies the renters may have made, handed out, or lost.

Don't forget to change the locks if you move into a new house. If you rent it, you'll need to speak with your landlord, but if you purchased the house, change the locks immediately. Again, you don't know how many keys to your front door are floating around or lost.

4. You Want a Keyless Lock

Many people get a new lock so they can upgrade to a keyless lock. These are more secure than traditional tumbler locks because they can't be picked since they have no keyhole. This means you also don't have to worry about finding your keys or what to do when you lose a key. Depending on the system, you may simply punch in a code or use your cellphone to lock and unlock the door.

Plus, with a keyless system, you can better monitor your door. Most products will let you know when someone has accessed the door. You may even be able to set up different passcodes for different people so you know exactly who enters the house.

Your front door needs a secure lock, and an old or comprised lock is easier to break. If you would like to better protect your home, consider upgrading to a more advanced lock or even a keyless lock. If you would like to know more, contact us at Dixie Safe & Lock Service today.

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